Help with dealing with autism is available, whether you are based in Adelaide or elsewhere in Australia. For more information,
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with Help with Autism.
Recently the number of children who are diagnosed with autism has risen dramatically. Some children are born with autism, others have developed “regressive” autism. In the case of regressive autism the child's development is seemingly normal at first, but after a trigger event the child withdraws, speech and smiles disappear and the child regresses. Parents often tell me that their child had a history of tonsillitis or ear infections that were treated with antibiotics in the first and second year of life. Antibiotics destroy the beneficial gut flora, which leads to gut dysbiosis and this in turn leads to a "leaky gut". Following a trigger the child regressed into Autism often due to an overload of toxins that could leak into the bloodstream through the leaky gut wall and into the brain through a leaky blood-brain barrier.
Contributing factors
Some of the factors that contribute to this are:
- Poor detoxification ability (often genetically determined)
- The presence of heavy metals within the brain: Unfortunately all vaccines contain preservatives that have a toxic heavy metal compound. It used to be mercury (Thimerosol), but because of the negative side effects it was replaced by an aluminium based compound for babies (another heavy metal), whilst mercury is still used in vaccines for older people such as the flu vaccine. A hair analysis test can show which metals are present and in what quantity
- A poor functioning gut usually with poor gut flora (often caused by frequent use of antibiotics early on). This leads to poor nutrient absorption (see Nutrition booklet for more information). At the same time a dysfunctional gut produces an increased amount of toxins that once absorbed into the brain can compromise brain function and interfere with brain development
In all cases of slow or delayed development it is always worth investigating whether any of these factors are present because they are usually treatable.
Behaviour disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are also the result of a dysfunction in the brain. The new perspective is that there is a continuum of disorders from mild ADHD on the left side of the scale, followed by defiant disorders, Asperger’s syndrome further on and severe autism at the far right.
An early start
Regardless of the problem it is very important that treatment is started as soon as possible, so that the risk of long term effects is minimal and where possible the child's self-esteem stays intact. One of the most successful approaches to regressive Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is the biomedical approach, a combination of dietary intervention, gut repair, removal of toxins and heavy metals and resolving possible nutrient deficiencies. Many children have made a partial or total recovery of ASD following the biomedical approach alone (
Even more success can be achieved when the biomedical approach is combined with Brain Gym®, (Educational) kinesiology, the SureReading method and Neuro-Organisation Technique (NOT).
Together these treatments can:
- Increase access to all areas in the brain
- Enhance communication between all areas in the brain
- Remove toxins that interfere with learning
- Teach new skills to previously inaccessible areas
- Supply nutrients that improve brain function
Once the areas of the brain that are involved with the learning process can be accessed, we need to teach these areas those skills that they could not learn before because these areas were inaccessible. For example, ear infections can interfere with the development of speech and auditory discrimination. These are important prerequisite skills for reading and spelling.
The SureReading method is designed to identify these missing skills, re-open the developmental windows in the brain followed by teaching the missing skills.
What's the good news?
Neuro-developmental, learning and behaviour difficulties can be overcome! The How to Improve Learning? booklet shows this in the writing examples of “Before” and “After” treatment.
Contact us
for a copy of this free eBooklet:
How to Improve Learning. How to improve learning?
Find out how much your child’s writing can improve in half an hour after doing some Brain Gym® exercises and an integration process that enhances the communication between the left and right side of the brain. You can learn how to achieve these results yourself in the 2-day Quantum Learning Improvement course.